Amazing Facts In The Animal World That Will Surprise You

01. Honeybees can flap their wings 200 times per seconds

Image source - istockphoto

02. Polar bears have black skin and see-through fur

Image source -


03. A bat can eat up to 1 thousand insects per hour

Image source - discovermagazine

04. Octopuses have three hearts 

Image source - octopusworlds

05. A snail can sleep for three years at a home 

Image source - animals.howstuffworks

06. A sea lion is the first nonhuman mammal with a proven ability to keep a beat 

Image source - marinemammalcenter

07. The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside-down 

Image source - kasperfaunafood

08. Cows can sleep standing up, but they can only dream lying down 

Image source - istockphoto

09. Slugs have four noses 

Image source - gardeningetc

10. Elephant are the only animal that can’t jump 

Image source - worldwildlife

11. Mayfly is the animal who has the shortest life in the world

Image source - teatown

12. Koala’s have fingerprints almost identical to human 

Image source - wwf

13. Even after having its head cut off, a cockroach can still live for weeks 

Image source - edition.cnn

14. A blue whales tongue can weight as much as a car, or a small adult elephant 

Image source - nwf

15. Rabbits don’t have pads on their paws. Only fur 

Image source - goodhousekeeping

16. Cat’s were domesticated 9,500 years ago in Ancient Egypt 

Image source - goodrx

17. Capuchin monkeys wash their hands and feet in urine 

Image source - livescience

18. Pigeons can do math 

Image source - kidadl

19. Giraffes have black tongues 

Image source - unsplash

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